I was born and raised in California and lived in Hawaii for a number of yearscbefore moving to Australia in 2007. Moving to Australia had been a life long dream. My dream came true and now Australia is my permanent home. I live in Cottesloe WA with my husband Mic, our beautiful 2 dogs .
It is a good thing I love education as I have spent many years in school. I hold Bachelors Degrees in Human Biology and Business Management and a Doctorate in Chiropractic as well as many post graduate credentials furthering my education in chiropractic technique, soft tissue procedures, sports medicine, rehabilitation, and nutrition. My chiropractic training included a 4 year university degree, two years of post baccalaureate premedical studies and a four year Doctorate degree at Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles, California. I have been successfully self-employed for many years as a Doctor of Chiropractic, Active Release Practitioner, Personal Trainer and Endurance Coach. I have extensive experience in working with clients ranging from children to adults and athletes from the professional and elite levels to the weekend warrior. Being an elite level and former professional triathlete myself, gives me a unique and in-depth understanding of the body and how best to care for injuries and optimize your care.
My training and success in sports medicine care enhances my ability to care for a wide range of clients needs, not just the athlete’s. I take a postural and biomechanical approach to care. By addressing the soft tissue problems first then the alignment of the bones second helps to insure the complete healing of injuries and to insure they do not reoccur. The goal is to treat the cause not just manage the symptoms so you can get past the injury and pain stage and onward to optimal health and performance. I like to spend extra time with each patient as your care is customized to your individual needs and includes multiple modalities. Each visit you will always receive “More Than Just An Adjustment” and you will be given instructions on how to help yourself maintain and optimize your health on your own. We are a team in your journey to Optimal Health.
Mic Mueller-Coons il tuo Massaggiatore Terapeutico e Sportivo
Mic ha rivolto la sua passione per lo sport in una passione per aiutare gli atleti. Come massaggiatore aiuta gli atleti a rendere atleticamente in modo ottimale e recuperare più velocemente da allenamenti e gare. Mic è esperto in Massaggio terapeutico sportivo, Tecnica Rilascio Fasciale Attivo , CORE Massaggio Connetivale( miofasciale e neuroconnetivale), Tecnica Emmett, Bowen, Smart Tools(IASTM), Agopuntura a secco(Dry Needling) e Linfodrenaggio
Con 29 Ironman Triathlon sotto la sua cintura e 3 Campionati del Mondo, Mic durante la sua carriera sportiva ha ricevuto tanti massaggi (buoni e purtroppo tanti brutti). Come risultato, la sua attenzione è stata quella di confezionare uno stile di trattamento che combina le sue capacità di lavoro sui tessuti molli e le sue diversificate tecniche in modo di ottenere risultati stupefacenti e ottimale prestazione e recupero per l’atleta.
Mic inoltre, insieme a sua moglie, la dottoressa Sherry è anche un’ allenatore. Insieme si specializzano in Triathlon, Nuoto, bici, e corsa e offrono corsi di formazione tecnica di nuoto e corsa. Per 10 anni Mic è stato il Presidente di uno dei più grandi club di triathlon in Svizzera.
Mic è stato a capo del gruppo di massaggio a Beack2Health360 (Una prassi multidisciplinale) a Townsville, QLD, Australia per 9 anni. A partire dal 2015 viaggia a gare internazionali come L’Ironman Hawaii per fornire trattamenti per atleti di alta qualità.